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ACL Injuries have become commonplace among today’s high school and college athletes. The aftermath of an ACL injury is significant and devastating, often forcing players to decrease their level of participation and performance in competitive sports and, occasionally, give up competition altogether. As the incidence of ACL injuries in young athletes continues to increase, injury prevention techniques and strategies are becoming even more important and are changing and shaping the way we think about sports training for young athletes.

The incorporation of preventative training into an athlete’s regimen to positively affect neuromuscular factors such as strength, endurance, and limb and trunk control, is an essential component of future injury prevention. Specific, individualized ACL injury prevention programs have been used with smaller groups of athletes to decrease injury risk by as much as 75%.

Rebound Sports and Orthopedic Physical Therapy is committed to improving the awareness and implementation of injury prevention techniques in Anchorage by providing sport-specific injury prevention training to local coaches, athletes, and parents. The physical therapists at Rebound can provide injury risk screenings for athletes and teams upon request. Rebound also organizes small-group ACL Injury Prevention Classes at various times throughout the year. Through these screenings and classes, athletes receive invaluable knowledge about how to prevent lower limb injuries throughout their athletic careers.

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